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Love In The Canterbury Tales Essay Research free essay sample

Love In The Canterbury Tales Essay, Research Paper Henry Louis Mencken expressed, # 8220 ; Love: The maniacal conviction that one grown-u...

Friday, May 22, 2020

Gender Roles How They Affect The Family - 1327 Words

Gender Roles: How They Affect the Family Gender role is a term used in the social sciences and humanities to denote a set of behavioral norms that accompany a given gendered status in a given social group or system (Gender roles. 2011). When people think about gender roles in the family, they normally go right to the stereo types; men always are the ones who work and women are the ones who stay at home and take care of the house and children. In some families that is not the case; there are some men who are stay at home dads which you do not see very often. This can be a good thing because having the dad stay home and be with the children could help with their relationships. Many times the father is not home much because of their job which†¦show more content†¦They are not shared equally though because in his reading of current expectations in marriage is says that men still fix things and take care of automobiles while women still have the primary responsibility to take care of the house and the welfare of the chi ldren. If both parents work it is normally the mother that will take off work to stay at home with a sick child (Neuman, F). Gender roles have drastically changed over the past years. You rarely saw the woman anywhere but in the kitchen or doing chores around the house and the man always as the head of the family and the only source of income. You see these stereotypes everywhere. What we see on TV, read in books or even anything on the internet impacts us on what we think about gender roles. We comprehend that gender stereotypes are based on what society wants to happen or what others believe the key to each gender role is (Women in the media. 2013). Women Working: Yet Still Having a Steady Relationship with Children The whole deal about having the women stay at home with the children and to take care of the house is a good idea. But if the father does not have a good enough job that will be able to pay for all the bills, groceries and necessities, then the mother should also work to help get a better income for the family. Having two steading incomes coming into the household is always a good idea so you do not have to worry about falling apart and not being able to

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