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Love In The Canterbury Tales Essay Research free essay sample

Love In The Canterbury Tales Essay, Research Paper Henry Louis Mencken expressed, # 8220 ; Love: The maniacal conviction that one grown-u...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Love In The Canterbury Tales Essay Research free essay sample

Love In The Canterbury Tales Essay, Research Paper Henry Louis Mencken expressed, # 8220 ; Love: The maniacal conviction that one grown-up female varies from another. # 8221 ; This proverb sounds accurate for the voyagers that Geoffrey Chaucer went with on the travelers venture in The Canterbury Tales. Every one of the author # 8217 ; s characters fit in their ain unique, each with their ain story. As the accounts are let one know by one, the pioneers # 8217 ; assumptions and sentiments are uncovered for the host what's more, the peruser to gauge. This uncovers of import attributes, counting how the train sees love. These highlights are generally distinctive in footings of the brave Knight, the oil Miller, and the free Wife of Bath. The Knight is picked as the principal traveler to express his account and take the host # 8217 ; s challenge energetically. # 8220 ; He was reasonable, he bore himself each piece compliantly as a lady, # 8221 ; shows the Knight # 8217 ; s hesitance to show feeling and just to make each piece a lot of an important ( # 8221 ; The General Introduction # 8221 ; , ll. We will compose a custom paper test on Love In The Canterbury Tales Essay Research or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 68-69 ) . As a # 8220 ; valid, great, delicate knight, # 8221 ; he is raised by the codification of grant ( # 8221 ; The General Prologue # 8221 ; , ll. 72 ) . The Knight # 8217 ; s account is loaded up with a feeling of gallantry, boldness, and pride. The account analogs folklore, covering with aspects of the ideal picture of a grown-up female, Emily. The lady is spoken to as a goddess, and as the Platonic idea of affection. The Knight # 8217 ; s see on love is extremely Christian # 8211 ; impacted by his profound crusades extremely unadulterated, and shortsighted. # 8220 ; A babbler and a Teller of bar accounts, # 8221 ; the Miller howls his # 8220 ; definition # 8221 ; of adoration through his fabliau and collaboration with different explorers ( # 8221 ; The General Prologue # 8221 ; , ll. 562 ) . Envisioned like the Satan, the Miller allures followings through temptation of mischievousness what's more, his bagpipes. The affection for the Miller is creature and carnal, seen through his depiction of his mammoth like inner self and the youthful method of Alison. It is increasingly physical that whatever else, since disgrace is of no conce radon. Moral thought processes are free everyplace refering the oafish Miller, and his entire story is a gigantic tragedy. The Wife of Bath # 8217 ; s position of adoration comes into battle with the other gender, what's more most generalizations. As a mind boggling grown-up female, her account involves lewdness, admission, and talk. The biggest viewpoint of the Wife # 8217 ; s character incorporates her craving of control. The Wife of Shower has an expected approval, coming first in the case of covering with her five hubbies or contributions at chapel. The Wife matches the old grown-up female who at long last augmentations command over the knight in her account. However she shows presentation when being struck somewhere near her fourth hubby. The vermilion hosiery, # 8220 ; her adequate hips, # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; hole toothed grinning # 8221 ; are images of her evil acclaimed notoriety ( # 8221 ; The General Introduction # 8221 ; , ll. 458, 470, 474 ) . Be that as it may, the Wife of Bath # 8217 ; s obliviousness repudiates her experience. # 8220 ; One may advocate a grown-up female to be a virgin, yet reding is non an edict, # 8221 ; shows the false impressions and broken coherent considering Biblical Bible that makes the Wife # 8217 ; s purposes of positions invalid ( # 8221 ; The Wife of Bath # 8221 ; , ll. 66-67 ) . Similar to the Wife # 8217 ; s character baffling, so is her convention on adoration. She is spurred my her feelings and the fulfillment that she gets. She takes her through and through freedom to the limits as force for her own expansion. Through each explorer # 8217 ; individual account, love and the connection between grown-up male and grown-up female is portrayed in their ain obvious radiation. In the Knight # 8217 ; s eyes, his dignified love shows the trophy as the genuine Emily. The Miller # 8217 ; s coarseness and revoltingness prompts his places of criminal discussion and lustfulness as adoration. For the Wife of Bath, her eagerness forever prompts love perceived as being responsible for energy. With respect to Mr. Mencken, the Knight, the Miller, and the Wife of Bath ought to do him extremely pleased, since the entirety of the explorers # 8217 ; stories are set into battle by their hypothetical record of a grown-up female and their grouped love for that grown-up female.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Marijuana A Gift From Mother Earth Essay Example For Students

Cannabis A Gift From Mother Earth Essay When and where will the silly oppressions of America’s Marijuana clients end? These Marijuana smokers are commonly white collar class guys, between the ages of 17 and 39, and one of every three have no earlier crime accusations on their records. (HRW World Report) However, every year, a huge number of them are captured and tossed into prison, nearby killers, attackers, and youngster molesters. The â€Å"Marihuana Tax Act† was passed in August 1937, and produced results on October 1, an occurrence which would perpetually change the nation. The primary purpose for the boycott put upon Marijuana was equivalent to most other medication forbiddances †the persecution of minorities. For example, the principal against medicate law on record in the United States was passed in San Francisco in 1875. Opium was prohibited around then because of worries that Chinese workers who utilized the medication were â€Å"ruining† white ladies by partner with them in Opium caves. (Schaffer sec. 1) Cocaine was banned not long after when concerns were raised of what even papers of the time considered â€Å"Negro Cocaine Fiends† or â€Å"Cocainized Niggers.† These claims came about when African-Americans utilized the medication and supposedly assaulted and killed white ladies. (Schaffer sec. 1) As an obvious reality there were no authoritatively recorded occurrences, for example, those that were proposed. Weed was banned to target Mexican foreigners who utilized the medication recreationally. As indicated by Bureau of Narcotics Commissioner Harry J. Anslinger, Marijuana had a â€Å"violent impact on the savage races.† As you can see, the principle reason most medications are prohibited isn't for wellbeing concerns or real violations identified with the medication, however rather in light of the fact that self important white guys got the possibility that they could hurt minorities with their laws. Today, the prejudice proceeds, with medicate laws that target minorities †explicitly youthful African-American guys. Albeit white medication clients dwarf blacks by 5 to 1, and blacks just make up 13 percent of the U.S. populace, more than 62 percent of detainees imprisoned for sedate related charges are dark. (ABC) This disturbing measurement shows the glaring prejudice of the â€Å"War on Drugs†, which is more a war on blacks than drugs. Between the long periods of 1970 and 1998, over 11.5 million individuals were imprisoned for acts running from straightforward ownership of Marijuana, to deal and production of Marijuana †a class that includes all charges identified with developing, conveyance, and development. 87 percent of all captures were for ownership, while 13 percent of captures were available to be purchased/make. (NORML)Our detainment facilities are stuffed to the point that around 24 states are compelled to liberate a few detainees. There are over 1.5 million individuals in Federal, State, and nearby restorative offices at the hour of this paper’s composing. However, the War on Drugs proceeds, and if its â€Å"ultimate goal† is reached †the detainment of each medication client, seller, and cultivator, there will be around 30 million additional individuals in our jails. This is a larger number of individuals than the joined populaces of California, Arizona, and New Mexico. To detain e ach medication client in the nation, we would need to spend more than 15 trillion dollars, a figure that would not just bankrupt the nation and pulverize the working power, however would likewise leave no cash to run the penitentiaries that we endeavored to fill. (Schaffer sec.7)So why, you may ask, is this nation apparently fixated on freeing the roads from our â€Å"violent†, â€Å"degenerate† Marijuana clients? The appropriate response is straightforward. On the off chance that you tell a pony again and again that it is a jackass, in the end the pony will trust it. The measure of purposeful publicity that has been flooding the nation for every one of these years, deception from top government authorities, and outright lies from our country’s wellbeing â€Å"experts† has actuated an incensed â€Å"war† that has isolated the nation fifty-fifty. This war has no champs †the nation isn't in any event, verging on freeing the nation of the â€Å" problem†, and the medication clients are developing in numbers as an ever increasing number of individuals consider the to be of the medication as a social apparatus, a clinical wonder, and an extension that crosses racial and social limits. .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c , .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c .postImageUrl , .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c , .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c:hover , .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c:visited , .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c:active { border:0!important; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c:active , .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c:hover { mistiness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u194e68d9a650bbe0c483257c6b3db60c:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The Dead Sea Scrolls (1545 words) EssayAnother question raised is whether Marijuana is hurtful. That is anything but difficult to answer †yes and no. Truly, it has some negative consequences for the cerebrum, as any concoction would. Be that as it may, contrasted with different medications and substances, both lawful and illicit, the hurtful impacts appear to be miniscule. For example, out of the considerable number of medications accessible to us today, tobacco remains the main executioner, as it has been for quite a long time. More than 390,000 individuals kick the bucket every year from this strong, destructive, and exceptionally lawful medication. Nicotine is additionally one of the most addictive medications known to man, effectively outperforming Marijuana and liquor, and simply pushing out heroin †truly, heroin.Alcohol is a far off second, killing 80,000 individuals every year, and is one of the most famous medications among youthful guys. Its withdrawal indications are serious, and once snared, a few people are never calm again. Sidestream cigarette smokes slaughters another 50,000 individuals, bringing the great aggregate for tobacco-related passings to 440,000 individuals. Cocaine claims 2,200 lives every year, followed intently by two medications that are totally irrelevant, yet execute a similar number of individuals †heroin and h eadache medicine. Cannabis, then again, slaughters an amazing number of individuals every single year. Zero. There has never been a passing formally attached to Marijuana. Through and through, unlawful medications murder 4,500 individuals †8.3 percent of those guaranteed by tobacco and liquor. Having been a Marijuana smoker for a long time at this point, I don't see myself as an addict, a medication fanatic, or a burden to society. I smoke to meet individuals, and my dearest companions were met through Marijuana. The brilliant and strange plant we call Cannabis ought to be grasped, not disregarded, as it is today. Bibliography:Works CitedABC News. â€Å"War on Drugs, by Race?† Associated Press. 8 Jun 2000Basic Facts about the War on Drugs. Schaffer, Clifford A. 8 Sept. 2000HRW World Report. â€Å"Drugs and Human Rights.† 10 Sept. 2000NORML. â€Å"Portland NORML News† 24 Nov. 1998

Monday, July 27, 2020

Connecting with Illinois Alumni Through LinkedIn

Connecting with Illinois Alumni Through LinkedIn Because I have one month left of being a student here at Illinois, I am looking toward to life past graduation. Its a bittersweet feeling being a senior here at Illinois. I am not looking forward to being an adult with very real adult responsibilities. However, the excitement of a new adventure and new chapter in my life is truly thrilling. I would compare it to the same feeling youll get the night before you move into your residence hall at Illinois. I sure felt that way before I moved into Weston back in the fall of 2014. Illinois has so many students from diverse backgrounds pursuing diverse areas of study. Students eventually turn into alumni and go out there to change the world. However, what Ive noticed about Illinois alumni that sets themselves apart from other universities is that Illinois alumni give back. As a senior, Ive been looking for full-time jobs and internships after graduation. We are lucky to have a worldwide network of Illinois alumni working in so many of the coolest companies in the country and the world. I am an advertising major, and I have been looking for jobs in the Chicago-area. Since advertising is a business that prides itself on relationships and who you know, I realized that Illinois alumni can help me get a foot in the door for many advertising firms. So, I used LinkedIn, a social media networking tool for professionals to find Illinois alumni who studied advertising like me when they were my age. I did this because they would be more willing to give back if they see themselves in me and if they find that I have a similar background to them. From my comprehensive LinkedIn search, I found an alumni named Kyle who was a 2011 advertising grad from Illinois! We actually had a lot in common. He was President of the American Advertising Federation at Illinois, which is the organization that I have been in charge of this year. I connected with him, and we spoke on the phone for an hour. He spoke fondly of his days here at Illinois and gave a lot of good advice to me as I enter the industry. Now, I am happy to have him as part of my huge Illini network in the ad world. Kyle inspired me to be an alumni that gives back to students like me. We were all Illini once, and we will all be Illini forever. Lets look out for each other in the professional world, Illini! Daniel Class of 2018 I’m an Advertising major in the College of Media. I’m from a northwest suburb of Chicago called Buffalo Grove. I chose Illinois because it was the first university in the entire world to offer an Advertising major, which is pretty cool!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Gender Roles How They Affect The Family - 1327 Words

Gender Roles: How They Affect the Family Gender role is a term used in the social sciences and humanities to denote a set of behavioral norms that accompany a given gendered status in a given social group or system (Gender roles. 2011). When people think about gender roles in the family, they normally go right to the stereo types; men always are the ones who work and women are the ones who stay at home and take care of the house and children. In some families that is not the case; there are some men who are stay at home dads which you do not see very often. This can be a good thing because having the dad stay home and be with the children could help with their relationships. Many times the father is not home much because of their job which†¦show more content†¦They are not shared equally though because in his reading of current expectations in marriage is says that men still fix things and take care of automobiles while women still have the primary responsibility to take care of the house and the welfare of the chi ldren. If both parents work it is normally the mother that will take off work to stay at home with a sick child (Neuman, F). Gender roles have drastically changed over the past years. You rarely saw the woman anywhere but in the kitchen or doing chores around the house and the man always as the head of the family and the only source of income. You see these stereotypes everywhere. What we see on TV, read in books or even anything on the internet impacts us on what we think about gender roles. We comprehend that gender stereotypes are based on what society wants to happen or what others believe the key to each gender role is (Women in the media. 2013). Women Working: Yet Still Having a Steady Relationship with Children The whole deal about having the women stay at home with the children and to take care of the house is a good idea. But if the father does not have a good enough job that will be able to pay for all the bills, groceries and necessities, then the mother should also work to help get a better income for the family. Having two steading incomes coming into the household is always a good idea so you do not have to worry about falling apart and not being able to

Friday, May 8, 2020

Famuos Thinker - 1770 Words

Famous Thinkers Paper We shall overcome, we shall overcome, we shall overcome someday, deep in my heart, I do believe, we shall overcome someday. These legendary words have been the foundation for people of color since the long nights of captivity, slavery. Several prominent activists have made immense strides in making those words a reality. Such individuals like James H. Cone and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. James H. Cone, an advocate affectionately known for black liberation theology, a theology grounded in the experience of African Americans, and related to other Christian liberation theologies. James H. Cone approach provided a realistic snap shot of a new way to articulate the distinctiveness of theology in the Black†¦show more content†¦James H. Cone, a black theologian of liberation who like all other black theologians was seeking freedom and justice. Cone has a strong condemnation toward racism and oppression of black people, especially within the black church. He strongly believed that religion is the solution to any problem. Dutifully, Cone turned to scriptures as the sanction for his demands, not allowing anyone or anything to separate him from the love of God. James H. Cone main objective was to resurrect himself and his people from the ashes of racism by using the foundation of the Black Church [scriptures] and confronting adversity. Dr. King tussled with the cares of life looking for solutions, concern for his family, and stood up for righteousness, justice, and truth. Dr. King knew what he was up against was daunting and knew enough to call on the name of Jesus. Dr. King believed in the power of prayer even through the countless number of threats he received and even arrested he stood unyielding for what is right, justice. Dr. King refused to sink in the quick-sands of racism and abhorrence. Dr. King realized that he had to alter the mindset of society if change was to come. These two famous thinkers were mindful of the test and misery they would face. Their work addresses the advancement for minority people with the hope and promise to expunge racism among all people. During these historical moments one could only imagine that the most important audience

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Study of Consumer Attitudes to Drinking Free Essays

CONSUMER ATTITUDES TO DRINKING – UK – AUGUST 2010 – Consumer Usage – Market in Brief ? There are opportunities for both the on- and off-trade to take advantage of consumers’ willingness to try different drinks. As cocktails are associated with bartender knowledge, skill and theatre of serve, there is scope for the pub industry to differentiate and for manufacturers to replicate, as already seen by Bacardi’s Mojito mixed drink, now complete with branded packs of ice cubes at Tesco. Internal marketing Environment UK alcohol consumption has been in decline since 2004 but penetration levels are still high as drinking is deeply ingrained in the British culture. We will write a custom essay sample on Study of Consumer Attitudes to Drinking or any similar topic only for you Order Now What People Drink and How Often Although alcohol consumption is down in the UK, consumers are increasing their drinking repertoire, with cider now ranked alongside the lager, wine and spirits categories. Rose benefits from appealing to all age groups and the much sought-after younger demographic, something the red and white varieties have failed to do. ? Rose wine has managed to do what white and red wine have been trying to do for years: appeal to the younger demographic. While it is not as popular a drink as the other wine flavours, white spirits or cider, rose has the advantaged in appealing almost equally to every age group, from 18-24-year-olds to the over-55s. ? Lager has been drunk by the most people (60%) over the past 12 months and is the largest market in terms of volume sales (see Internal Market Environment). ? Lager drinking remains largely male-dominated, with three quarters of men drinking lager in the last year compared to 40% of women, while the opposite is the case for white and sweeter-tasting rose wines, which women tend to prefer. Choice differs by age Figure 17: Types of alcohol drunk in the last 12 months, by age, August 2010 Base: 838 internet users aged 18+ ? Over a third of women, however, drink alcohol less than once a month or never drink alcohol. Interestingly, and in contrast to reports in the media, the highest proportion of people who never drink alcohol is amongst the 25-34-year-old age group, followed by 18-24-year-olds. ? According to Mintel’s On-trade Soft Drinks – UK, December 2009 report, women are much more likely than men to drink soft drinks in the on-trade and are opting for healthier and somewhat more expensive drinks when they do so. There are several barriers to women drinking alcohol, including health and social mores. Mintel’s Understanding Drinking Occasions and Unlocking Potential Customers – UK, August 2009 report found that almost a third of women would be encouraged to try a new alcoholic drink if it were low in calories, suggesting that brands, retailers and pubs need to d o more to inform health-conscious customers that lower-ABV and -calorie alcoholic drinks exist, both in the off- and on-trade. Factors influencing drinking habits: ? The social dimension is important when drinking alcohol, with over half of consumers drinking when catching up with friends. This is a universal factor of why people drink, being a key reason for over half of men and women and typically most important to 18-34-year-olds, although this is still high for the over-35s and across almost all socio-economic groups. Social beings Figure 24: Net difference* between any agree statements on drinking alcohol, by gender, June 2010 Base: 1,701 internet users aged 18+ who have drunk alcohol in the last 12 months * this is worked out by subtracting the percentage of female drinkers agreeing with each statement from the percentage of males. For example, 65% of female drinkers said ‘I don’t like running a tab as I can lose track of how much I’m spending’ compared to 58% of men, therefore giving a score of +7 percentage points. Source: GMI/Mintel Key analysis: While sharing pitchers of beer is common in the US and larger beer glasses pervade the European Continent (e. g. 1-litre beer steins in Germany), in the UK the defining consumer drinking behaviour is the buying of rounds. What is probably most peculiar with buying rounds of drinks is the fact that friends or family are able to request whatever drink they like, regardless of price or type, in the (usually) safe knowledge that the gesture will be returned. More could be done to encourage customers to share their knowledge of favoured drinks when buying rounds, therefore acting as brand ambassadors by driving word-of-mouth recommendations. Drinking Habits Among 18-24yr Olds – UK – June 2010 – Drinking in Context ? Findings in this report indicate that both young men and women feel under considerable pressure to drink to excess, even if they do not like the taste or the experience of getting drunk. While this is more pronounced among men, who are trying to fit in with masculine norms, a sense of social pressure to drink is also common among women. This causes greater internal conflict for them, as women are not only constrained by negative gender stereotypes of getting drunk, but they are also much more sensible about the potential detrimental health problems that alcohol abuse can cause. However, women aged 18-24 are most influenced to not drink by their ego rather than concerns about their health, with the prospect of putting on weight being the single most influential factor in their not drinking alcohol. However, despite this they are just as likely to binge drink as men, although they are less likely to be extreme binge drinkers. As a rule they prefer sweeter-tasting drinks; they are almost three times as likely as all adults to drink pre-mixed spirits (also known as alcopops or alcoholic ready-to-drinks); as well as being much more likely to drink cider and spirits which mix well with soft drinks and in cocktails, such as white rum, bourbon. ? The choice of drinks for 18-24s is influenced by alcohol being such an acquired taste, meaning that younger drinkers prefer sweeter drinks which disguise the raw taste of alcohol. For example, a major finding from Mintel’s Wine – UK, June 2009 was that wine was attracting many more consumers once they reached their mid-thirties onwards, and a main reason for this was that it takes people a while to develop their drinking palates, alongside a greater propensity to drink at home. ? Recently rose has started to attract younger drinkers put off by the negative baggage surrounding alcoholic ready-to-drinks (ARTDs), but it is the brands with higher sugar content, rather than dry roses which are leading the charge. Cider has been one of the few alcoholic beverages to see its sales volumes increasing yearly over the past five years. It has benefited from being re-invented by the Magners ‘on ice’ concept. This appealed to younger drinkers and women by highlighting its refreshment and fresh, fruity taste, in particular for summer occasions (see Cider – UK, November 2008). Few people understand how easy it is to binge drink†¦ Binge drinking is defined according to government guidelines as: * for women, drinking six units of alcohol or more in one session (ie two large glasses of wine) Flavoured Alcoholic Beverages – UK – October 2007 – Market in Brief * Young women have traditionally been the target for FABs and certainly the profile of those that drink them at least once a week still reflects that, for both on- and off-trade drinkers. The regular FAB drinker is more likely to be female, single and less affluent. * There is still some appeal among older women (25-34) who perhaps started drinking when FABs first appeared on the market, although it’s more likely these consumers are drinking less than they use to. Some women have been attracted to the new innovations in lower-calorie FABs, however, the research shows there is a growing need to develop the category as these consumers are looking for a more sophisticated drink. SWOT Strengths * Consumer demand for more refreshing drinks with lower alcohol levels. * Growing interest in fruit-flavoured drinks. * A large proportion of consumers occasionally drinking FABs providing an opportunit y to increase frequency. * Increased NPD in this market. Government campaigns on units should alert consumers to lower strength than is perceived. * A willingness from retailers to develop the category via premiumisation. Weaknesses * Fall in the number of consumers drinking alcohol as healthy lifestyles take hold. * Poor image associated with the category with underage consumers and binge drinkers. * Continued price pressure from supermarkets. * FABs’ unsuitability to developing on-trade occasions such as food-led. Lack of premium offering appealing to over-25s. * For a market in decline focus on young women is limiting the appeal and targeting requires a broader audience. * Increased competition from cider and lager offered in premium-style bottles. * Declining availability as increased options in premium drinks such as lagers, ales and ciders and soft drinks squeeze shelf space both in supermarkets and bars. Drinks Market 2008 Key Note Alcoholic drinks worth an estimated ? 41. 6bn How to cite Study of Consumer Attitudes to Drinking, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Introduction of economist group free essay sample

Introduction of The Economist Group The Economist claims that it is not a chronicle of economics. Rather, it aims to take part in a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress. It was debuted in 1843 by lames Wilson, a Scottish businessman, who founded The Economist as a newspaper to campaign for tree trade, and played a role of the chief editor and sole owner for about sixteen years. The Economist called Itself d English- language weekly newspaper but actually looks like a news magazine, which owned by The Economist Group whose edit offices set in London. It offers clear reporting, commentary and analysis on world current affairs, business, finance, science and technology, culture, society, media and the arts. History of The Economist croup This Is a timeline chart of the history of The Economist Group. The chart Is from Its beginning in 1843. We can see clearly that it experienced a stable increase during the first hundred years except a sight decrease in 1875. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction of economist group or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1956, it started a obvious increase, and from 1984 it jumped rapidly. In 2005, its circulation exceeded 1 million for the first time, and last year, its circulation already over 1. 5 million (pic_ 1). (plc. History of The Economist Group) Let s see some specific years of The Economist Group. The Economist Intelligence Unit is founded in 1946 to serve the newspaper and provide business intelligence to outside companies. Ten years later, Economist Conferences, a division ot Economist Intelligence Unit, is formed and launches government roundtables, 1987 witnessed a major redesign of The Economist: The World In eries, The Asla section Is launched, ds well as Economist Corporate Network. Times going on, Economist. com Is launched in 1995. 2001 was also a turnover year for the whole group. A redesigned Economist is launched, taking the aper into full color for the first time, turning out that the global circulation averages at over 760,000 and 2million people read The Economist weekly Family Brands Now the Economist Group has definitely evolved Into d globa l media company. The publications and services delivered under the Economist brand are The Economist newspaper, The Economist online, The Economist Intelligence Unit, The Economist Events, The Economist Corporate Network, The Economist Education, The World In and Intelligent Life Here The Intelligence Life should be mentioned more specifically. The Economist Intelligence unit Is the worlds foremost provider ot ountry, Industry and management analysis. It offers d broad range of services In d variety of formats. It is the most trusted and valuable resource for international business throughout the world. We can say that the Ell-J is a major reason why the the Economist brand family is built on high-quality, independent analysis. As they claimed that many of the issues facing the world have an international if not global dimension. The Economist brand family is ideally positioned to be the commentator, interpreter and forecaster of the phenomenon of globalization as it gathers in pace and impact.. Apart from these family brands, it also includes a government brand called CQ Roll Call, which aimed at decision-makers in Capitol Hill. The Group also owns Euro Finance, the leading global provider of conferences, training and research on cash management, treasury and risk, and TVC, a London-based digital marketing agency. The ideal people always think in a same way. Another one is The Ideas People Media, which was launched to deliver this influential thinking. Its core product, Ideas People Channel, is a vertical, fully transparent network that reaches over 25m Ideas People in the United States, and over 35m globally. Ideas People Media also consists of Ideas People TV, a digital video network, Ideas People Mobile.