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Love In The Canterbury Tales Essay Research free essay sample

Love In The Canterbury Tales Essay, Research Paper Henry Louis Mencken expressed, # 8220 ; Love: The maniacal conviction that one grown-u...

Monday, December 23, 2019

Is Alexander The Great Still Alive - 1353 Words

She used to take me for a ride up to the Mermaid because she was the one who would ask, Is Alexander the Great still alive? And I would have to answer, He lives and reigns, and conquers the world. Let s go to the me-maid, I asked very often from her. It was a small square with a fountain and a beautiful statue from white marble in the center with a shape of a mermaid. This was near the church of the Transfiguration. When we arrived at the creek, the stream that is at the height of Katsios’ Tavern, we stopped to listen to the frogs and we were laughing with their funny caws. The honeysuckle, or the khanum s hand as they called it, sti Poli (in the City) And when we detected a honeysuckle in some yard she used to ask, Do you know how they call otherwise honeysuckle, sti Poli (in the City of Costantinoupolis)? The khanum s (turkish woman) hand. Please, just have a look at this flower closely, isn t it like a little white hand? Polis, (the City), only with the hearing of that word grandmother was touched, but tried not to show it. When the story began, I looked closely to her eyes. They became watery immediately for Vosporos, Great Pera, Agia Sophia. A thousand and one, the words for the City. Costantinoupolis, Galata Bridge (Kara Keuà ¯), around 1900 A bridge has always had a leading role at this point. A bridge with contradictory personality. Bridges are made to connect two pieces of land, while the bridge in our history, was separating as boundary twoShow MoreRelated Alexander The Great Essay705 Words   |  3 PagesAlexander the Great On July twentieth, 356 B.C. Alexander the Great was born. His Father was Philip, the King of Macedonia. His mother was Olympia, daughter of the late King Epirus. Alexander was quite mature for his age. At 13 he started learning from Aristotle, he was trained with other children. It was at this time that he met Hephastion, his future best Friend. Aristotle gave Alexander training in rhetoric and literature and sparked his Interest in science, medicine, andRead MoreAlexander the Great Summary 16861 Words   |  4 PagesAlexander the Great Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia, conqueror of the Persian Empire, and one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. Even at an early age, Alexander had the promise to become a great leader. Through all his victories and conquests, he has become a great hero and has had a large impact on history. That is why I chose he book Alexander the Great, by J.R. Hamilton for my review. Hamilton does a very good job with the story of Alexander the Great. The bookRead More Alexander the Great Essay833 Words   |  4 Pages Alexander the Great was born in June, 356 BCE in the ancient capital of Macedonia called Pella. He was the son of Philip II, King of Macedon and Olympia, Princess of Epirus. Alexander inherited his father’s excellent organization skills and his mother’s hot temper. When Alexander was a young boy his mother had taught him that Achilles was his ancestor and that his father is a descendant from Hercules. This inspired Alexander to learn the Iliad by heart and always carry with him. Alexander showedRead MoreA Report On Alexander The Great Essay1269 Words   |  6 PagesSynopsis I did my this day in history report on Alexander the Great. Alexander the great is known for many things. He was king of Macedonia, a military genius, and the greatest conqueror of all time-to name a few. Alexander was taught by many great minds, perhaps most responsible for his greatness was Aristotle. Alexander was given many hard tasks and tremendous responsibilities as a child and teen, which he carried out with ease. As an adult king, Alexander ruled over Macedonia and kept it safe fromRead MoreA Great Man Who Conquered, Then Created The Largest Empire1261 Words   |  6 PagesA great man who conquered, then created the largest empire in the ancient world had lived. Alexander the Great accomplished a lot in his short life conquering vast lands as well as spreading the Greek culture throughout Middle East also Asia. Alexander the Great has many accomplishments in his life, and changed history in more of a passive way than in a direct way because of his character and the accomp lishment he had built over his lifetime. Alexander the Great was born into royalty in MacedoniaRead MoreWhy Did Alexander Invade the Persian Territory1235 Words   |  5 PagesHST 225- 01-TRACEY MARTIN -042267773 â€Å"ALEXANDER THE GREAT AND THE HELLENISTIC AGE.† Why did Alexander invade the Persian territory? The question on why Alexander invaded the Persian territory has only been guessed at by historians in the past. The true reason why, may never be known. What is known however is the fact that Alexander had continued what many before him had done, invade the Persian territoryRead MoreThe Life Of Alexander The Great1264 Words   |  6 PagesThe Life of Alexander the Great There are many great conquers in the history of this world. Augustus Caesar, Atilla the Hun, Charlemagne, to name a few. But none of these quite measure up to Alexander III of Macedonia. Or, his more common title: Alexander the Great. He conquered much of Asia and the Persian Empire, and left a legacy that will not be forgotten. Alexander III was born in Pella, capitol of Macedonia, on July 20th 356 BC to Olympus, Princess of Epirus, and Philip II, King of MacedoniaRead MoreWhy Alexander the Great Was Great.1002 Words   |  5 Pageswithin the society. In fact, society is even apt of delineating the lives amongst it. However Alexander III, King of Macedon, Pharaoh of Egypt, Supreme Commander in Chief of all Greeks and Emperor of Persia, was not a follower. He was the person leading society; the moulder, the shaper. Through his instantaneous reaction and actuation, he was able to make to important decisions, and it was evident that Alexander was a large influence on his people through the observations of his unconditional courageRead MoreAlexander The Great Was A Young Leader1359 Words   |  6 PagesAlexander the Great was a young leader, with a very successful but very short life ahead of him. Alexander was born in Pella in Greece at the northern part of the country. He started his life at356 BC, and died at the very young age of 33 in 323 BC. After dying from causes that have not been proven yet many theories that he had died from Malaria, due to him being sick and having a very high temperature and fever 10 days leading up to the time he died. Alexander had a range of achievements and theRead MoreSimund Freud and The Treatment of Neurosis and Psychosis1001 Words   |  5 PagesHe died, but is his ideas still alive? In this paper, I will research the ideas and methods of Sigmund Freud as it pertains to the treatment of neurosis and psychosis. First, I will explain what psychoanalysis is, along with neurosis and psychosis. I’ll also go into how psychoanalysis came to be and describe the methods of psychoanalysis. Finally, I will use all my research to come up the answer on whether Sigmund Freud’s ideas and thoughts on psychoanalysis are still alive or just an out of date memory

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Progression of Transgender Rights in the Workplace Free Essays

Since 1975, Congress has considered amending Title VII to include a ban on employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. Most of the first employment discrimination cases brought by transgenders were dismissed because there is no federal law designating transgender as a protected class, or specifically requiring equal treatment for transgendered people. Until recently, Title VII’s lack of legislative history and failed attempts by Congress to introduce or pass gender identity employment discrimination legislation left courts with little reason to deviate from precedent. We will write a custom essay sample on The Progression of Transgender Rights in the Workplace or any similar topic only for you Order Now Recent landmark cases have demonstrated that courts can successfully transcend societal prejudices and expand sex discrimination to cover discrimination against transgendered people. For the most part, gender discrimination cases arise under Title VII because it is enforceable against a vast majority of employers. In contrast, two of the cases discussed below include claims based on the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause which protects only against discrimination by government employers. Smith v. City of Salem Jimmie Smith is a transsexual, diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (GID)[i]; he was born a biological male, but has a female sexual identity. After being diagnosed he began expressing a more feminine appearance on a full-time basis, including while at work at the Salem Fire Department. Smith notified his immediate supervisor when co-workers began questioning his appearance and commenting that his mannerisms were not masculine enough. Smith requested the conversation be kept confidential. Against his wishes, the chief of the fire department was informed, followed by the law director of the city. During a meeting with the City’s executive body on April 18, 2001, the likelihood of Smith completing a physical transformation from male to female was discussed, along with a plan to terminate his employment. The group agreed to require Smith to participate in three psychological evaluations in hopes that he would resign or refuse to comply. On April 20, legal counsel retained by Smith informed the City’s executive body of the legal ramifications of proceeding with their plan. Six days later Smith was suspended for a full twenty-four hour shift based on an alleged infraction of department policy. Smith viewed the suspension as a pretext for sex discrimination and as retaliation for obtaining legal counsel and filing a compliant with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). As a result of these incidents he filed suit against the City of Salem under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. [ii] The trial court dismissed the suit on the grounds that Title VII protection is unavailable to transsexuals. [iii] On appeal, the Sixth Circuit of the Supreme Court reversed the district court ruling, noting that it relied on a series of pre-Price Waterhouse decisions. iv] In such cases federal appellate courts regarded Title VII as barring discrimination based only on sex, not on gender. The landmark case of Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins[v], established a claim of sex stereotyping for employees who suffer adverse action for failing to conform to the stereotypical gender expectations. Based on this decision, the Sixth Circuit opinion states, After Price Waterhouse, an employer who discriminates again a woman because, for instance, they do not wear dresses or make-up, is engaging in sex discrimination because the discrimination would not occur but for the victim’s sex. It follows that employers who discriminate against men because they do wear dresses and makeup, or otherwise act femininely, are also engaging in sex discrimination, because the discrimination would not occur but for the victim’s sex. [vi] The Sixth Circuit held that a self-identified transsexual can sue for sex discrimination under Title VII on the basis of discrimination due to non-stereotypical behavior and appearance and therefore, Smith’s transsexual identity did not affect his well-pleaded claims of sex stereotyping and gender discrimination. The case outcome also established that successful plaintiffs no longer have to be members of a protected class; all they must show is behavior stereotypical to that class to qualify for protection as a member of that class. Less than a year later the Sixth Circuit affirmed their decision in Barnes v. City of Cincinnati. [vii] The district court also dismissed Smith’s claims pursuant to 42 U. S. C.  § 1983 on the ground that he failed to state a claim based on the deprivation of a constitutional or federal statutory right. The Sixth Circuit found that the facts Smith alleged to support his claims of gender discrimination pursuant to Title VII easily constituted a claim of sex discrimination grounded in the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, pursuant to  § 1983. Therefore, the the district court’s dismissal Smith’s Equal Protection Clause claim was reversed. Barnes v. City of Cincinnati In 1998, Phillip Barnes, a police officer with the Cincinnati Police Department (CPD) since 1981, passed a promotional test to become a sergeant. At the time he was living as a pre-operative male-to-female transsexual. While on duty Officer Barnes lived as a male but often lived off duty as a woman. Following the promotion he began a standard probationary period intended to allow superior officers to observe newly appointed sergeants to determine whether the person should remain in the position. After being subjected to a rigorous training program Barnes failed his probationary period. Throughout the probationary period Sgt. Barnes was subject to more intense and formalized training than other sergeants. Examples of such unequal treatment included an increased number of shifts, being required to wear a microphone and ride in a car with a video camera. Inappropriate comments about his sexuality and sexual preferences were a common occurrence. Barnes was the only person to be put in a Sergeant Field Training Program and the only one to fail probation between 1993 and 2000. Barnes claimed his failure of probation was due to illegal sex discrimination based on his failure to conform to sex stereotypes and filed a compliant with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, followed by a suit against the City of Cincinnati. In Barnes v. City of Cincinnati [viii] the jury returned a verdict in Barnes’s favor in the amount of $320,511 and the Southern District of Ohio court awarded $527,888 in attorney’s fees and $25,837 in costs. Barnes made a prima facie case for sex discrimination asserting the CPD violated Title VII by subjecting him to disparate treatment and by maintaining a work environment that was hostile to him because of his sex. Price Waterhouse established Title VII prohibits discrimination against a man because he fails to conform to the stereotypes associated with being male. The CPD argued they demoted Barnes not because of his failure to conform to sex stereotypes, but because he failed to comply with grooming and uniform standards and did not display the appropriate command presence. The City appealed and in 2005 the United States Court of Appeals affirmed the judgment of the district court. [ix] Schroer v. Billington Ex-Special Forces Colonel David Schroer was the dream candidate for the position of Specialist in Terrorism and International Crime with Congressional Research Service (CRS) at the Library of Congress. However, three weeks prior to his anticipated start date, he was informed that the job offer had been rescinded. He received this news the day after a lunch meeting with the selecting official Charlotte Preece, during which he revealed that he was transgender and had made the decision to pursue sex reassignment surgery. [x] Schroer, now legally Diane, filed an administrative compliant with the Equal Employment Office of the Library of Congress, alleging sex discrimination under Title VII but was unsuccessful. Schroer then sued and after a bench trial in August 2008 the District Court for the District of Columbia found in her favor. Judge James Robertson held that discrimination on the basis of changing sex was discrimination on the basis of sex, and prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Although Schroer had already been diagnosed with GID, he applied for the position before he changed his legal name or began presenting as a woman. He believed if he started work at CRS as a woman it would be less disruptive and this decision prompted him to schedule the lunch meeting with Preece. Due to the classified nature of the job position Preece was concerned with Schroer’s ability to get security clearance. Her perception of David Schroer as especially masculine, because of his prior Army and Special Forces background, made it difficult for her to visualize Diane Schroer as anyone other than a man in a dress. Preece admitted that she believed that others at CRS, as well as Members of Congress and their staffs, would not take Diane Schroer seriously because they, too, would view her as a man in women’s clothing. Schroer’s original complaint[xi] alleged only that her non-selection was the direct result of her disclosure of her gender ysphoria but in an amended complaint[xii] asserted that she was discriminated against because when presenting herself as a woman, she did not conform to Preece’s sex stereotypical notions about women’s appearances and behavior. Judge Robertson concluded that Schroer was entitled to judgment based on Price Waterhouse claim for sex stereotyping and additionally she was entitled to judgment based on the language of the statute itself. Evidence established that the library revoked the job offer after learning a man named David intended to become a woman, thereby discriminating on the basis of sex. The government was ordered to pay $183,653 for back pay and benefits, $300,000 for non-pecuniary losses, and $7,537. 80 for past monetary losses. Schroer was awarded the maximum amount allowed, nearly $500,000. Glenn v. Brumby Vandiver Elizabeth Glenn, formerly known as Glenn Morrison, began working as a Legislative Editor for the Georgia General Assembly’s Office of Legislative Counsel (OLC) in 2005. The same year she was diagnosed with GID and in preparation for sex reassignment surgery began living as a woman outside of the workplace. The following year Glenn informed her immediate supervisor of her intentions. Glenn’s plan to undergo gender transition from male to female was relayed to Sewell Brumby, the head of the OLC. After confirming that Glenn intended to transition, Brumby immediately terminated her. Brumby believed the change would be disruptive and that co-workers may find it morally unacceptable, thereby making them uncomfortable. [xiii] Glenn filed a federal lawsuit in Georgia asserting that she was treated differently due to the nonconformity with gender stereotypes that she evidenced by her determination to live in accordance to her female gender identity. xiv] She filed suit pursuant to 42 U. S. C.  § 1983 for violations of her rights under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment[xv] of the U. S. Constitution which requires each state to provide equal protection under the law to all people within its jurisdiction. In August 2010 the trial court granted relief to Glenn on the basis of sex discrimination and ordered that she be reinstated to her job. [xv i] However, Brumby appealed the decision and all parties agreed that for the duration of the appeal process Glenn would receive full salary and benefits in lieu of returning to work. In December 2011, the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled to uphold the lower court ruling that the Georgia General Assembly discriminated against Glenn. Although Glenn chose to pursue only a remedy for the Fourteenth Amendment violation, the Eleventh Circuit still drew upon U. S. Supreme Court cases interpreting Title VII to reach its conclusion. [xvii] Whether purposely or not, the Supreme Court in Price Waterhouse provided transgender plaintiffs with a claim for relief under Title VII and had sweeping implications for transsexual employment rights. Although the case did not directly address transsexualism, it expanded on the meaning of sex under Title VII. In the time since, transgenders have successfully started bringing claims for discrimination using the Price Waterhouse sex stereotyping theory. As a result transgender discrimination issues have transcended to broader legislation such as the Equal Protection Clause. The legal status of transsexuals in the workplace is complicated and often uncertain; however the protections for transsexuals continue to multiply as litigation sets precedent for equality. How to cite The Progression of Transgender Rights in the Workplace, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Liberalism1 Essay Example For Students

Liberalism1 Essay . Based on the Latin word liber, meaning free, liberalism is a political point of view opposed to any system that threatens the freedom of the individual and prevents him from realizing his full human potential. Liberalism has flourished in Western society since the 18th century, but its history may be divided into two markedly distinct periods the classical and the modern. Classical liberalism had its roots in the revolt of the growing middle classes against government control of the economy. In the late Middle Ages and the early modern period, governments played a decisive role in expanding and controlling commerce and industry. This practice, commonly called mercantilism, was felt by many to inhibit rather than enhance economic growth. The opposition to mercantilism found its greatest expression in philosopher and economist Adam Smiths The Wealth of Nations. This book promoted the ideal of a free-market economy that would operate without government interference. Formulations of liberal theory thus had as their basis Thomas Jeffersons notion that the government is best that governs least. The goal of liberals was to find ways to control excessive government power and to limit government to its primary purposes of providing for the common defense, preserving domestic tranquility, and guaranteeing the rights of private property and the obligations of c ontract. During the late 18th and the 19th centuries, liberals did succeed, through various means, in limiting the powers of government. (The separation of powers, as delineated in the United States Constitution, is a clear example of the operation of classical liberalism.) What liberals did not foresee was that while governments became incapable of controlling economies, they were thereby also unable to prevent great economic power from concentrating in the hands of a few people who could be as despotic in their own way as any authoritarian government. The situation soon became an unhappy reversal: formerly, governments had exercised control over the economy, but by the late 19th century economic power was beginning to exercise control over governments. Slowly, in the late 19th century and the early decades of the 20th, the liberal theories that had been formulated by Adam Smith and other social theorists, such as John Locke, Jeremy Bentham, and John Stuart Mill, began to yield to the view that government should use its power to intervene in the economy for the general welfare of all citizens. The goals of modern liberalism have therefore shifted dramatically from those of classical liberalism. They may be summed up in the notion that the powers of government are to be used to achieve a redistribution of political and economic power in society. In the United States, such liberal goals were first spelled out in detail in the Progressive party platform, and many of them were incorporated into the New Deal programs of President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the 1930s. These programs involved a variety of social and labor legislation designed to benefit nearly all segments of the population. Such programs have become a part of most Western countries and Japan; and since World War II many of the nations emerging from colonialism have imitated them. Past regimes of the former Soviet Union and several Eastern European nations adopted a broad range of social welfare programs in the name of socialism. Bibliography:

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Organization Learning Concept

Organization learning can be defined as organized acquiring of experience through controlled and managed trial of new strategies and intelligent use of the results to achieve the required objectives.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Organization Learning Concept specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is because the more dynamic an organization is the higher the chances of maintaining its prowess in current volatile market. This paper discusses the importance of learning to an organization, the necessary requirements and examples of organizations which have used this concept to maintain their brands in the current competitive market. Importance of learning to an organization The employment of this strategy will enable a company or the business empires realize its mission and vision statements. This is because organization learning empowers every member of the organization towards a common goal. By either creati ng and trying new policies and strategies or learning and positively responding to current challenges the organizations can formulate mission and vision statements and incorporate everyone to achieve them. Learning organization creates new challenges to the management and all the employees. The employees feel part and parcel of the organization. This makes them believe to be part of the solution and not the problem. The shift from the tradition advertisement based on disseminating information is being replaced by interactive advertisement as seen in social site advertisement and employees are faced with new modern challenges. Learning and acting to these challenges becomes the dream of every employee. Due to the volatility of the current marked the only way for organizations to stay afloat is to embrace organization learning. They take time to learn and implement better methods of doing things due to the continual change in the society. Car manufacturing companies such as Toyota lea rn from changes in international policies on emissions and fuel efficiency to invent more efficient automobiles.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Necessary requirements An excellent communication system is essential in organization learning. A good communication structure is essential in disseminating information and knowledge throughout the whole organization from senior management to other levels of management, from one department to another and also forms one person to another. This is especially important in large organizations that have different branches in different areas. Employment of communication tools such as web conferencing, instant messaging, cell phones and others enhance passing of information and knowledge within the organization (Eijkman, n.d; Janakiraman, 2008). For an effective learning organization the kind of the work force matters a lot. Curious a nd intelligent people who have an intuitive thinking about work based problems are an advantage as suggested by Serrat: Intellectually curious about their work, who actively reflect on their experience, who develop experience-based theories of change and continuously test these in practice with colleagues, and who use their understanding and initiative to contribute to knowledge development. (Serrat, 2009, p. 1) Knowledge is one of the most important requirements for effective learning organization. Learning and knowledge cannot be separated. This is suggested by Serrat: Knowledge is a critical asset in every learning organization. Because learning is both a product of knowledge and its source, a learning organization recognizes that the two are inextricably linked and manages them knowledge should encompass both the individual and corporate knowledge (Serrat, 2009, p. 1) Technology is part and parcel of passing of information and knowledge in the organization. This is important in ensuring that there is effective communication and management of knowledge. The organizations must invest in terms of time, support personnel, relevant infrastructure, and expertise. These and other requirements are important in facilitating the learning process.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Organization Learning Concept specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion Learning organization is a very important concept for those organizations that want to remain in the market for long. Organizations learn from self made or prepared challenges or the challenges they face in order to brace themselves for the challenging future ahead. It is a very important concept that everyone should try. References Eijkman. H. (n.d.) The Learning Organization as concept and journal in the neo-millennial era: a plea for critical engagement. Web. Janakiraman. S. (2008) The Importance of being a Learning Organization. Web. Serrat O,(2009). Building a LearningOrganization. Web. This assessment on Organization Learning Concept was written and submitted by user JoantheMouse to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


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Friday, November 22, 2019

Calvinism Was Founded By John Calvin Religion Essay

Calvinism Was Founded By John Calvin Religion Essay Calvinism was founded by a man named John Calvin (Theopedia, par. 1). John Calvin was born on July 10, 1509 in France and died on May 27, 1564 at the age of 54 (Rieske, par. 1). John Calvin was brought up Roman Catholic by his mother, Jeanne Le Franc (Rieske, par. 1). John Calvin’s father, Gerard, was an attorney, raised by seafaring men (Rieske, par. 1). At the age of eighteen, John’s education process was complete (Rieske, par. 2). After John Calvin’s education and studies were complete, John became a humanist and a reformer, instead of following Roman Catholicism (Rieske, par. 2). To know about a religion or a denomination, one should study also about the founder and the background to his or her life, so that we can know where they came from and where the process of their doctrine beliefs came from. The five main points to Calvinism are: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election (Predestination), Limited Atonement, Irrisistable Grace, and also the Perseverance of the Saints (Humphreys, par. 13). The First of the five points of Calvinism is Total Depravity (Calvinism, par. 4). Every man deserves Hell and is worthless without the presence of God in their lives (Calvinism, par. 4). Adam and Eve and everyone after them were censured by a just God because of original sin (Calvinism, par. 4). The second point is Unconditional Election or Predestination (Humphreys, par. 13). God felt sorry for mankind and sent Jesus to save some sinners, but not all (Calvinism, par. 5). These are known as the Elect and their fate was decided by God before they were born (Calvinism, par. 5). This is not a matter of choice, for the person, but a decision of God (Calvinism, par. 5). Calvinist seem to determine among themselves who is likely to be elected by a persons behavior (Calvinism, par. 6). The points of Limited Atonement and Irrisistable Grace fall with this as well (Humphreys, par. 14-18). The point of Perseverance of the Saints means that once God saves so meone, they will always be saved (Humphreys, par. 19). Calvinism teaches that believers don’t need priests (Calvinism, par. 8). Calvinists observe both communion and baptism (Calvinism, par. 8). Our God does not need to check the time for anything because He knows when, where, and how everything will happen (Theopedia, par. 5). God keeps himself hidden from non-believers but reveals Himself to those who already know Him, or will know Him (Theopedia, par.5). In the later history of Calvinism, people have modified John Calvin’s teachings to serve their own purposes and the beliefs of the Reformed Tradition of Protestant Christianity, which Calvinism was the most prominent in (Theopedia, par. 5). When Calvinism first started it suddenly became very popular all around the world (Calvinism, par. 3). John Calvin and many more of his co-pastors were originally from France but left because of their religion, so they moved to Geneva which became a trading city of about 10,000 p eople (Grell, par. 8). The Old Testament is mainly where Calvin got his inspirations from (Grell, par. 10). Calvinism is not comprehensible without remembering the persecution of Christians (Grell, par. 10). Some people thought that the idea of Predestination produced anxiety from asceticism and capitalism (German, par. 11).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The working class of Indian mens working in the field of Fashion Dissertation

The working class of Indian mens working in the field of Fashion - Dissertation Example The study "The working class of Indian mens working in the field of Fashion" talks about The working class of Indian fashion Industry. With industrialization and mass production fashion got a new shape in the western world. Fashion industry has became more popular when combined with visual effects, that is through the art of photography which brings the outcomes of the designers to the doors of common people through different print media forms. on one hand photography makes the dresses and models all the more attractive and famous, while on the other, it makes the conceptual loopholes quite prominent. The 16 page editorial published in the Vogue Issue of August 2008 in India sees the new nation as a place where even the poor class takes to expensive brands and carries it off gracefully. Hence Vogue attempts to make fashion reach out to all classes of people instead of the wealthy ones or celebrities. The magazine published some photos of lower middle class people flaunting expensive branded clothes and accessories. However this kind of portrayal drew lots of controversy because the people modeling in the magazine belonged to the similar class, which witnessed suicides and poverty. What becomes prominent in this discussion is the strong influence of western culture or the cultural dependency witnessed by the Indian fashion industry. Yet, the same fashion trends which has been a pride of the glamour seeking people of the upper middle class and wealthy sections are now imposed upon. those working class people who are merely able to cover their cost of production of labor hours and some who are not even able to do so. They perhaps belong to the class of contractual or casual workers who thrive to make both ends meet. When we think of the designers and fashion photographers a finger might be raised at their sensitivity towards the human dignity. It hurts when one sees the contrast between the social status and the expensive brands. Why would a person thriving for ba re survival want to use a Burberry umbrella? Even if we assume this might one day become an economically viable option, the individual might not decide to flaunt his money through these brands even if he can afford it. The middle class people working in the fashion industry (photographers, designers and editors of fashion magazines) need to be sensitive to the ethical viability of any form of art which represents fashion trends. This prompts us to ask the question: Can Vogue’s way of representing ‘new India’ support Realism or it is an example of Aestheticism in fashion photography? II. LITERATURE REVIEW This section attempts to discuss the theories of Realism and Aestheticism in visual art and how they apply to fashion photography in particular. Reviews of different literatures are covered to learn about the evolution of fashion industry in India and the works of different fashion photographers including the way they portray fashion in the daily lives of the soc iety. The study incorporates details regarding the middle class people working in the fashion industry of India and how they portray culture and economy through their works. How the trends change along with the impact of globalization and economic upgradation. At the end of the review one might raise questions about ethics and priorities while portraying

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

American Judicial Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American Judicial Structure - Essay Example Finally, the federal courts are also limited by hierarchal considerations. There are trial courts, designated Federal District Courts, intermediate courts of appeal, and the United States Supreme Court. As one moves up the hierarchy, the federal courts have increasing discretion to hear or to reject cases and controversies. To be sure, the United States Supreme Court actually accepts very few of the cases submitted to it for resolution. The findings and holdings of the courts lower in the hierarchy thus become final and binding. In sum, although the federal courts are empowered to hear and to decide many types of cases there are very real limitations. These limitations, or gaps, are in large part filled by the separate state court systems. 1.2 State Courts State courts are vested with the responsibility of deciding conflicts and controversies under a state's constitution and other laws. There are similarities with the federal system to the extant that state courts are also limited by geographical, subject matter, and hierarchal considerations. The trial courts tend to be divided into courts of limited jurisdiction and general jurisdiction. Local governments tend to create and administer the trial courts of limited jurisdiction whereas states control and administer the trial courts of general jurisdiction. The limited jurisdiction courts are extraordinarily numerous, more than 13,500 in the United States (Neubauer, 2005: 82), and are excluded from the scope of this essay. From the strict point of view of the state, courts are divided into trial courts, appellate courts, and a supreme court. The laws may differ significantly from federal laws to the extant that states may set higher safeguards than those established in the Constitution.. . State courts are vested with the responsibility of deciding conflicts and controversies under a state’s constitution and other laws. There are similarities with the federal system to the extent that state courts are also limited by geographical, subject matter, and hierarchal considerations. The trial courts tend to be divided into courts of limited jurisdiction and general jurisdiction. Local governments tend to create and administer the trial courts of limited jurisdiction whereas states control and administer the trial courts of general jurisdiction. The limited jurisdiction courts are extraordinarily numerous, more than 13,500 in the US, and are excluded from the scope of this essay. From the strict point of view of the state, courts are divided into trial courts, appellate courts, and a supreme court. The laws may differ significantly from federal laws to the extent that states may set higher safeguards than those established in the Constitution or in federal laws. In add ition, federal legislators are empowered to pass federal laws which, in effect, preempt contradictory state laws. This preemption, though sometimes controversial, functions to preserve harmony in the administration of the separate judicial systems. There is, nonetheless, the existence of conflict and it becomes extremely important to draw bright lines separating the two judicial systems. Otherwise, the potential for conflict and court shopping would become a big problem. For the most part, the judicial systems have been kept separate.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How far did World War One effect the lives of people living in Britain between 1914 and 1918 Essay Example for Free

How far did World War One effect the lives of people living in Britain between 1914 and 1918 Essay Introduction How far did World War One effect the lives of people living in Britain between 1914 and 1918? World War One had many short-term effects on the people living in Britain between 1914 and 1918, some small and others large. However, I do not think that it had any large long-term effects, on Britain or on the people living in Britain at that time apart from on womens social standing. First I will look at large, short-term effects. D.O.R.A Or the Defense Of the Realm Act had quite a large-scale effect on Britain. It was also the cause of many other issues to be discussed in this essay, such as rationing. It originally began by allowing the government to control many aspects of the country completely; they could take over industries, factories and even people private land and houses for use in the war. They could also control how much people found out about the war through censorship. One of the first things the government did under DORA was to take control of the coal industry, and turn it towards helping the war effort, rather than putting money in private peoples pockets. During the war more changes were made, a lot of them affecting many aspects of peoples daily lives, under DORA people could not: Talk about military matters in public or spread rumors about military affairs anywhere Trespass on railways, bridges or allotments Fly kites or light bonfires or fireworks Buy binoculars Melt down gold or silver Give bread to dogs, chickens or horses Use invisible ink when writing abroad Buy whiskey or brandy in a railway refreshment room or a similar place Ring church bells As you can see there is a long list of things people were not allowed to do, as well as the government having the new powers already mentioned, the government also ordered for beer to be watered down, pub opening hours to be shortened and to not let people buy rounds or drinks in a pub. They also introduced the idea of putting the clocks forward by 1 hour during the summer, so that people could work longer while it was still light. These things altogether had quite a large short-term affect on the people of Britain, so much so that by the end of the war, people were used to the government controlling their lives completely, clearly this is something rather detrimental to Britain, it meant people could not always do what they wanted to do, restricting their right to free will. They could not fly kites, ring church bells, buy binoculars etc, and all of these smaller things, coupled with the larger things would have made a big difference to the people of Britain. I say D.O.R.A was a large short-term effect because at the end of the war, most of the acts passed under DORA were removed, the state no longer controlled buildings, or aspects of daily lives, apart from the new pub opening hours, which remained in effect until 1989, even though they were meant only for the war. DORA also had many other effects, which are in themselves issues to be discussed in this essay: Rationing Another example of Doras power can be seen in the form of rationing, because the government was able to take over and control land, they could take over farm land and turn its usage to producing what they wanted to be produced. They hired women to work the land (because men were away fighting), and did this in order to keep the country fed, but by 1917 the situation had become dire, German U-Boats were sinking one in every four of our supply ships, and there simply was not enough food for everyone to have exactly what they wanted. Food prices rose to double what they were in 1914, and since people had not asked for higher wages because they had wanted to support the war, they could not afford to pay. Rich people bought much more than they needed and hoarded it, whilst poorer people could not even afford to buy bread. Shops closed early because their stocks had run dry, and there were serious strikes over poverty level wages. The government then attempted to encourage people to economies on their food usage; leaflets, posters and articles were produced to try to get people to save as much food, particularly bread as possible. But none of their measures proved to be effective, so rationing was introduced, this meant that everyone had a set weekly allowance of food, comprising of sugar, meat, butter and beer, and they were issued with coupons that enabled them to get their set amount of food. As it turned out, by the end of the war, people were actually more healthy than they had been at the start, because they were eating a more balanced diet, the rich and the poor could only get the same amount of food as each other, so it also proved to be a much fairer method of supplying everyone in the country with enough food to live on. This was another short term affect, one under DORA, as once the war was over and the food supply was back to operational speed again, rationing ended and people were able to get as much, or as little food as they were able to before. Propaganda This will have had a much larger affect on the mind of the British citizen than any other effect of the war, although not being able to eat exactly what you wanted or do exactly what you wanted, these things were more physical when compared to propaganda, which had large physiological affects on people. DORA gave the government the right to control newspapers and other forms of media, in order to limit what the civilian population found out about the war. During the first few months of the war, where thousands of men were dieing in terrible ways, the government only reported good news, no reporter could go to France or to Belgium, and the control the government had was so incredibly totalitarian, they even kept the house of commons in the dark as to the full reality of the front line. For the first two years of the war most propaganda was rather crude, with many tales of British heroism and German atrocities, all highly patriotic, and completely supportive of the war. However as popular opinion changed the government had to adapt their propaganda strategies to cope with it. In 1916, appalling losses were being made at the battle of the Somme, with thousands of soldiers on both sides dieing daily, the government took this opportunity to attempt to show the people what the war was really like. What they filmed however was pre staged mock battles and scenes of soldiers going of the top bravely, and achieving much, they also showed pictures of dead and wounded men, something that had never been done before. This supposedly wakened a lot of people up to the harsh realities of the war, they were seeing so much that shocked and disgusted them, when really most of the footage was fake, and only half of the true story was being told. Propaganda was a powerful short term effect on what people thought of the war, it meant that because people did not know the full harsh reality of war, they kept on supporting it, it is likely that had the real story been told from the outset, the people may well have decided against the war. In its defense however, propaganda helped to keep the morale in Britain up when things were going badly, as the government could easily churn out a patriotic poster, or an awe inspiring leaflet. Below is a large effect, which had a lot more knock on effects than anything else. Women At War The countries male population had been severely reduced, because they were all out fighting on the front lines, so there were very few men left to farm, make munitions, and do all the other jobs that they used to do before the war, such as being a delivery driver. So women had to take over, the government formed the W.L.A or Womens Land Army, and women who signed up to this would work on farms around the country, planting, harvesting and looking after crops. They were also employed in industry, most commonly the munitions making industry, and as other forms of laborer. People found that the women were just as able to do the jobs as well as all the men were, and although they were not paid as high a wage as the men, the women found that they enjoyed working and earning a lot more money than they would have done in previous jobs, if they were employed at all. This was a much larger effect of the war, particularly as it led to women getting the vote in 1918 under the representation of the people act, they had proved they could do everything a man could do, and they had helped their country get through the war, although the right to vote was not given under equal terms until 1928, 10 years later, up until then only land owning women over 30 could vote. Women working in previously male jobs also led to help in the breakdown of the class system, because all women were involved, a rich land owner could be working on the field or in the factory right next to a poor dressmakers daughter. They found that it was possible to make friends with the lower classes, and most thoroughly enjoyed it. The same was happening to the male population, as all soldiers on the front line were equal unless they were higher up in the chain of command, so a rich man could find himself in a position of having his life saved by a poor lower class man, or vice versa. Some smaller, short-term changes Conscription A conscription act was issued in 1916, this stated that all men aged between 18 and 41 had to fight in the war, there was no option, because although at the start of the war they could not get people out to the front lines fast enough, as it carried on, the numbers of people wishing to lose their life for Haig and country began to dwindle, so conscription was the only thing that would ensure a steady flow of soldiers to be. After this all married men had to fight as well, and this then led to a huge shortage of workers in vital industries, which then led to women taking their places in the workplace, which then led to women getting the vote, and the eventual breakdown of the class system. Of course some people did not want to fight at all, even when they had to, these people were called conscientious objectors or conchies for short, however they did have to prove that they were really objecting to fighting for a reason of conscience, e.g. their religion or a deeply held belief that war is wrong. A lot of conchies were very badly treated, a lot were banded as criminals and placed in jail, some not even let out after the war was long over, and others could even be shot for being traitors. This was the first time conscription had been introduced in Britain, but like many other things, when the war finished, so did conscription. Conclusion There were many things that the First World War affected in Britain: food, the way people viewed the war, lively hoods and more were all altered in some way, most of the effects were temporary though, after the war they simply went away, and people went back to how it used to be before the war. All except for one effect, the way women had been treated before the war was as housewives and maids, fit only to do womens work at home, or at somebody elses home, they were thought of as the child bearers, and nothing much else. The war allowed women to prove they could be more than just that, after the war there were 400,000 less maids than there had been before it, women knew now that they could do whatever men could do, and do it well also. For their hard work, women won the vote, and eventually on equal terms as men, however, all did not change instantly, when the war finished many women went back to what they used to be doing, and the men came back to their old jobs as well, but I do not think this matters, as the ball had already been set rolling, women had proved that they were mans equals, and they could, and would do it again. I do not thing that World War One deserves to be called a Total War when compared to World War Two, although compared to previous wars such as the Boer war and the Napoleonic wars, World War One was the closest that had come to being a total war, people were much more involved in it than they ever had been before, there was conscription, bombing, women were commissioned to work in jobs previously only ever done by men, and the civilian population was being constantly bombarded by hundreds of propaganda messages. This was something people had never experienced before, never had a civilian felt so touched, so involved by the war, never had women worked in factories or had the vote, and civilians had never been bombed as they lay in bed before. Yet, compared to World War Two, WW1 was not total war, the bombing was really not at all severe, neither were the casualties, the weapons, the rationing or the everyday dangers when put next to World War Twos figures.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Psychogenesis of a Case of Homosexuality in a Woman by Sigmund Freu

In "The Psychogenesis of a Case of Homosexuality in a Woman", Freud discusses a case of a young woman brought to him by her parents for treatment as a homosexual. Although he states that Psychoanalysis is not truly a tool for curing homosexuality, but one to help those with inner conflict in one particular area or another, he attempts to study the girl to see if Psychoanalysis could be of any help to her. Once he realized that the girl had a deep rooted bitterness towards men, he called off his study of her and told her parents that if they were to seek more psychoanalysis for her it should be sought from a woman. Prior to this discovery he found a few things of interest that may have attributed to her choice of sexual object. One of the first things Freud thought about was whether the patient was a homosexual from birth or whether she changed her object choice later in life. At the time it was thought that homosexuals had characteristics (physical a psychical) of the opposite sex. Though there were a few of these found in the girl, they were not strong enough to count for much. She was tall like her father and her features were sharper rather than soft and feminine, but she was still a beautiful and well developed girl. As far as psychical characteristics that were more masculine, he listed sharp comprehension, and objectivity in that her passion did not have complete control over her. Still there were women at the time who had traits such as these and were not homosexual. The characteristic the girl displayed that was the most manly, however, was the way she acted and thought in regards to the Lady she was in love with. The girl preferred to think of herself as the lover, not the beloved. Simply being allowed to... ... had been there for the birth of one of her brothers and it had not effected her. Yet when her second brother was born she completely switched her object choice. This could have been a coincidence, but I am of the school that says there are no coincidences. All things have reason behind them, somewhere. Though Freud had issues with women which shaped his views on cases such as this one somewhat differently, he remained rather objective throughout. His reasoning behind the events that brought the girl to him made sound, logical sense. Even his reason for dumping this case and suggesting they take it up with a different psychoanalysist made a lot of sense. It is definitely more logical than pushing ahead against and almost un-budge-able brick wall build up of bitterness and resentment of men. All in all I was pretty impressed by a man who many bad mouth today.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Michael Huemer: “America’s Unjust Drug War” Essay

In the essay â€Å"America’s Unjust Drug War† by Michael Huemer, Huemer discusses the facts and opinions around the subject on whether or not the recreational use of drugs should be banned by law. Huemer believes that the American government should not prohibit the use of drugs. He brings up the point on drugs and how they harm the users and the people in the user’s life; he proves that the prohibition on drugs in unjust. Huemer believes that drug prohibition is an injustice to Americans’ natural rights and questions why people can persucute those who do drugs. The most prominent argument against the use of drugs is the harm it has on the users. Although drug use is potentially very harmful to the users the government should not be allowed to prohibit people from harming themselves. Many things people regularly take part in are equally as harmful as drug use such as â€Å"smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, eating too much, riding motorcycles, having unprotected or promiscuous sex†¦(Huemer, Para. 5).† There is no way that the government can prohibit all those acts for it is not any of their business. One might argue that drug use is more harmful then those acts, they would be wrong in most cases because all of those acts lead to death which is as harmful as you can get. The Office of National Drug Control Policy claims that drugs kill eighteen thousand Americans a year while tobacco kills four hundred and forty thousand Americans per year. Another relevant statistic is obesity causes up to four hundred and twenty thousand deaths per year. Neither tobacco smokers nor obese people have been punished yet many drug users are imprisoned. Another point prohibitionists suggest against the use of drugs is that drugs harm one’s quality of life however many other things harm one’s quality of life such as dropping out of high school or working at the same job your entire life; all of these are choices people make and the only choice that is persecuted is doing drugs, the others are considered ridiculous to persecute. The money that drug users use on money is equivalent to those who gamble or spend it on frivolous things leaving both lives at smaller quality, yet the drug users are persecuted. Although the use of drugs has the same affects on other people’s life choices drug users are persecuted and people who make equally life-threatening choices are left to make those choices with no persecutions. Another argument against the use of drugs is the harm it potentially has against the people around the users. People around drug users do have the potential to be harmed from them yet so do many other things; driving could potentially hurt people and many other things, yet anyone who has a license can drive a vehicle without being persecuted. Every choice in life has risks of hurting people yet the only one choice is persecuted; drugs. Although it seems absurd to punish people for being inconsiderate or making not so good choices the outcome of their choices on the public are similar to drug users. If drugs are truly unjust then America has over four hundred and fifty thousand people in jail unjustly. They are not just being punished for no reason they are being punished for exercising their right as a human, making their own choices. Everyone has the right to choose to do drugs or not to do them. If there was a drug that took away the users freedom to make choices or to attack and hurt other people then the government could step in and help, however no drug exists that have that effects on people. The belief supporting that it is a human right to choose to do drugs comes from the idea that everyone owns their own body. So a person can make any choice as what they can do to their body, harmful or not. An example of this can be seen in the woman’s right to have or not have an abortion. Some people believe it is the woman’s choice because it is her body but others believe she should not be allowed to because it hurts the fetus, which is potentially a live human. Most people support the belief that people have the right to choose what the do to their body however with this right you may not use their body to harm others. Prohibitionists argue that drug use is not ones right over their body because the drugs are making the choices and not the person freely, maybe it is not their fault they have abused drugs it could have been psychological compulsion or something similar. It is still unjust to persecute these people because they are not morally responsible for that choice. However if users do freely decide to use drugs then they are exercising their rights and the government has no right to interfere. Overall Huemer looks at all the prohibitionists arguments that could be thought of and disproves their belief on the laws against drug use. Huemer believes it is a human right to choose to do drugs just as it is to eat whatever food you choose even if it makes you obese, or smoke as many cigarettes a day even though you will probably die, and the choice to have an abortion. With life you have many choices you can make and with that choice comes the chance of hurting yourself either physically or mentally as well as people that surround you. In conclusion Huemer fully disagrees with the prohibits on the use of drugs in America with his belief that the persecutions are fully unjust as well as inhumane with many people in jail because they chose to use drugs.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Distancia Amingo Essay

It was mid-afternoon. I could see faces along the road. I knew they were Iskolar ng Bayan; I assumed. They are for sure coming from different Bicol provinces. I was in a hurry to cross the lane. I was nearly bumped by a jeepney. Ano, magpapakamatay ka na? The driver shouted. Aw nano na costumbre, I murmured. I did not know whether he got the right person or I got a wrong way, either. After I crossed the pedestrian lane, I stopped and thought it over. Suddenly, a tricyle passed by. Distancia Amingo, as I have read the inscription on the board of its back. Keep distance, I told myself. I, most of the times, was waiting for and taking a ride in a jeepney every time I am going to office, church, mall, and even bar hopping. Jeepney becomes a public transportation of Legazpenos and other neighboring places. We are comfortable to call it as dyip or jeep. Indeed, my previous experience constructs a new concept that helps me out to observe, describe, and take note its technical and cultural background. What can you say? Jeepneys are originally made from US military jeeps, which military left them behind after ended the World War II instead of paying to ship the vehicles to America. A jeepney is a 12- to 16-passenger vehicle fashioned from second-hand military Jeeps used in the Philippines as public transportation. The term comes from a combination of the words Jeep and jitney, meaning small bus following a flexible schedule that carries passengers on a regular route. Over the years, the jeepney has grown to become one of the most prevalent means of transportation in the Philippines,† said Jacob Hendriks, eHow contributing writer. Today, it becomes the most common means of public transportation among provinces in the Philippines. Indeed, its name tags the Filipinos culture. If you could notice before you step up there are some slogans down the stair. Take note; you will perhaps frown or laugh at after reading it. Basta driver, sweet lover, this is an authentic example. It is not doubtful if passengers got smile when they have pleased to seat on the tukawan, I connote. On the other hand, this slogan simply speaks of machismo. In contrast, drivers could be described as polygamous by nature aside from being gentlemen to passengers. Perhaps, the status of their employment would attest that in some cases they coincidentally found women at night while they went to driving. I don’t think if some of them got concubines, which could be the cause of love quarrel between him and his wife. I think this is the reason why some of them had encountered accident that is suicidal. Forgive me if I got the wrong concept. At the back of the driver seat, you can read, Barya lang po sa umaga. We cannot deny that many times we forgot to pay our fare using coins early in the morning. Dai akon sensilyo; that’s it when driver asked. We cannot deny that we never allow ourselves to follow this simple rule; yet, when we demand good services from the authority basically our blood pressure seems to explode. High blood? so to speak. On the other hand, there are drivers who cheat. When you handed him more than the expected fare sometimes they forgot or meant not to return your change. I did not say that they are all cheaters because there also some of them who are honest. The moment you forgot, they screeched their wheels back. I also did not say that they are not angry when passengers count their change. Maski arog ako kaini, dai ko kaya manluko nin tawo, one time a driver murmured towards me. Feeling close, my flirt mind commented. Fasten your seat belt; you can read this line when you sit beside the driver’s seat. Sometimes, it is written as, fasten your sit belt. At first, I was annoyed; but, at the end, I realized that this line is the result of linguistic imperialism. We should forgive the perpetrator. We should not point our fingers to the driver because the nature of his work does not qualify to plead him guilty instead we will blame his teacher. It could be his parents as first teachers at home. It could be his teachers in the school, where learning takes place. Exactly, his learning experience constructs meaning as influence of constructivism. The good side is; he is not just a driver, but a skilled worker. This is the real substance of education shaping a person to be productive developing his potential to a defined skill. I was already inside the jeepney where I listened to the song entitled, Jeepney by Spongecola. What a coincidence, I said. Hush. Listen to the song. Bumaba ako sa jeepney/Kung saan tayo’y dating magkatabi/Magkahalik ang pisngi nating dalawa. The verses describe how the lovers explicitly unveil their relationship. Public display affection (pda); they said. Yes, it is expected that this is between man and woman. It could possibly be a man with a queer wo(man). That’s true; we do not impose racism here. You can laugh, but do not judge. Just say; this is the law of extreme reality. Pues, I can’t bear the moment without looking into the trend of courtship nowadays. I tell you; I am not against with them. I really feel sad when I see lovers in the jeepney showing inhuman behavior. We cannot blame older than us if they can’t tolerate themselves to put them into gossip because they destroy our good tradition. So, it is not surprising if women are being brutalized and raped because they become motif of original sin. Si’isay su relihiyoso an padi o an drayber? It becomes a joke; but, if we look at it as new perspective, tambay or bystanders would answer us, of course, the driver. If you can observe; the driver will not drive the jeepney without signing a cross. Yes, I agree, but he cannot do it without prior knowledge about his religious ways without the priests. When we destroy our conscience, our faith will be at stake. Faith in our people and faith in God, said Sen. Benigno â€Å"Ninoy† Aguino, Sr. In front of the jeepney’s mirror, you can see a small altar with an image of Virgin Mary. It becomes the icon of their salvation. Sometimes, they hang above it a bunch of fresh and fragrant flower, sampaguita, which they bought three for ten pesos from the young vendors. These vendors could be young boys or girls who seemed to be unfortunate. No child shall be left behind, as envisioned by the DepEd. Yet, the more the children are unfortunate, the more they are not able to go to school. I am sure there is something wrong in their home. I am sure there is something wrong in the system of the government. Along the front window you can notice the driver’s prayer embroidered as, God bless our trip. With this, I can say that the driver is a symbolic for hard work and these four words represent for prayer. This entails that when we work we should never forget to pray. Ora et labora; in English means, pray and work. This simply reminds us that we should balance our material needs and our spiritual need. When I got down the stair another jeepney passed by. I could read the inscription, In God We Trust. I can’t imagine how Bicolanos survive amid scarcity as a result of natural calamity. I presume; Bicolanos’ ways of living unfold the profound relationship with God. Ancient times indeed reflect how our ancestors passed on our good culture that defines our Bicolano identity. So, we have no reasons to smile. Starting today, we will keep distance when jeepney stops, but we will never lose hope when sudden misfortune comes because God never keeps us apart. He is just in our heart.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pronouncing the LL of Spanish

Pronouncing the LL of Spanish More than any other letter combination, the ll of Spanish has a sound that varies with region. Even within one country, its sound can vary. The sound youre most likely to hear for the ll (and the sound youll hear in our​ audio lesson on the ll sound) is similar to the y of yellow. So in much of the Spanish-speaking world, there is no difference between the sound of the ll and of the y when it is used as a consonant. And if you pronounce the ll that way, you will be understood everywhere. In some areas, the ll sounds like the lli in million, so that calle would be pronounced something like CALL-yeh. Also common is pronouncing the ll something like the s in measure (sometimes called the zh sound), although perhaps a bit softer, and in some areas somewhat similar to the g sound of wage but softened a bit. Rarely, it can even have an sh sound. In these areas, the sounds of ll and y are differentiated. Sentences youll hear in the audio lesson are Llà ©venos al centro (take us downtown) and Ella no est en la calle (she isnt in the street).

Monday, November 4, 2019

Bibliography Annotated Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Annotated Bibliography Example This essay will discuss John F Kennedy as one of the widely known international figures who fought for social justice fearlessly. John F Kennedy is one of the most mythologized figures in contemporary American history who was known for his debonair good looks, oratory skills and charismatic persona. Kennedy is also termed as one of the 20th century’s most memorable presidents who left a legacy that continues to enjoy the spotlight up to date. He was born in a rich, Irish-Catholics family that was connected to politics (Pascale 60). He and his eight siblings enjoyed a privileged childhood of elite private schools, sailboats, servants, and summer homes even though he used to suffer frequent serious illnesses during his childhood and youth (Bryant 28). Despite health challenges, Kennedy strove to make his own way whereby he wrote one of the best-selling books while still at Harvard and volunteered for hazardous combat obligation in the Pacific during World War II. Serving in the World War II made Kennedy a hero after which he quitted and worked as journalist for a short spell, and later entered into politi cs where he served in the House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 and the Senate from 1953 to 1961. John F Kennedy become the president of the United States of America during some of the most tumultuous years of the 1960’s civil rights movement that was led by renowned civil rights activists like Dr Martin Luther King Jr (Dudziak 58). Civil right movement was fighting for equality for persons of African-American origin and Kennedy give the movement an ample support. As a matter of fact, many admirers think of Kennedy in terms of his youthful vibrancy, his popularity amongst the people and his commitment to social justice, especially for African-Americans. He was elected as the US president in 1960 partly

Saturday, November 2, 2019

How does social media impacts on people's relationship and daily life Essay

How does social media impacts on people's relationship and daily life - Essay Example These resources will be narrowed down to ensure that only the most relevant documents and those that are rich in social media information will be analyzed. To improve the relevance of the outcome, the research will insist on usage of the most recent sources of information. Additionally, since discussion blogs do not have a good reputation with regard to provision of reliable information, the research will also determine and make use of the most relevant ones. This will ensure availability of adequate information on the topic. The study will also incorporate the creation of a coding sheet that will comprise several sections as they relate to the available sources of information. Some of the sections will include the main themes as presented by the online videos while others will comprise the relevance of the resource as it relates to the research questions. The content present in these sources will also be recorded in the coding sheet. Coders will be attempting to categorize the available sources so that it would be easier and more reliable to get the most relevant information to answer the research questions. The coders will work as a team to determine relevance of the sources. Through this study, my main expectation is to determine the authenticity of the claim that social media ruins relationships and that it alienates individuals. I want to analyze the main source of this, if it is accurate, since social media was established to improve communication. I also expect to assess the positives of social media since there has to be some useful aspects that social media has brought to the modern world. In addition, I expect the study to shed some light on the portions of the population that are affected by the negative impacts of social media. Lastly, I expect to determine whether social media triggers relationship issues or people ruin their own relationships and blame